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Duesseldorf Changemakers Group

"Together we can make a difference!"
We are an enthusiastic team of InterNations members donating our time and talents to people in need. Join us in supporting local non-profit organizations and making a difference in our community.

Upcoming Activities

Currently no upcoming activities in this group

New activities are posted all the time — check back soon to see what’s coming up!

Past Activities

Sun 16:00

Solace of the World

At the end of the year, short before Christmas, people feel stressed and need a break to remember the true sense of Christmas: Being together, a time of peace, bringing love and joy, not only to ourselves, but to all people in the world. Sharing with those in need.

If you need some time off from the hecticness and the loudness of the city, come and take a break and dive into the soothing music of a concert in one of the most beautiful churches of our town.

If you like, we might go and have a cup of hot chocolate or a Glühwein and Reibekuchen (kind of potatoe pancakes) on the Christmas market at the town hall afterwards. Please send me a WA to fix a meeting point after the concert (e.g. in front of the door?

Duesseldorf Changemakers Group
Advent Concert
Sun 15 Dec 16:00

It’s a 3-hour mindful ceremony that’s perfect for winding down before the chaos of the holiday season. As the experienced coach I’ll be facilitating to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new one. We’ll be doing meditation, breathwork, gratitude practices, using metaphorical cards and psychological best practices.

It’s not a “ladies only” event, no weird circles, no dancing with drums - just a peaceful, balanced space to reset and reflect. Whether you’re already into meditation or just curious, this event is for everyone!

Duesseldorf Changemakers Group
Year-End Recharge: A Ritual of Reflection
Sun 15 Dec 14:30
Sun 16:30

Cordial Invitation

You are invited to an extraordinary X-mas concert, organized by the NRW Musikhochschulen, presenting works from J.S. Bach, Corelli, Purcell, Tartini and Vivaldi, performed by the Ensemble PALAZZO RICCI - European Academy of Arts Montepulciano and Students of the Colleges of Music of NRW.
Gabriele John

Duesseldorf Changemakers Group
Xmas Concert
Sun 08 Dec 16:30
Thu 17:30

Cordial Invitation

You are invited to an extraordinary X-mas concert, organized by the NRW Musikhochschulen, presenting works from J.S. Bach, Corelli, Purcell, Tartini and Vivaldi, performed by the Ensemble PALAZZO RICCI - European Academy of Arts Montepulciano and Students of the Colleges of Music of NRW.

Duesseldorf Changemakers Group
Christmas Concert
Thu 21 Nov 17:30

We need an extra set of hands at Run in the Dark Dusseldorf! It'll be a fun night, and you will be helping Mark Pollock in his mission to cure paralysis.

Volunteers will be required from 7:30 to 9:30 to help marshal runners on course.

Duesseldorf Changemakers Group
Volunteer at Run in the Dark Dusseldorf
Wed 13 Nov 19:30

In a weekly circle the HSD organizes lectures on social problems emerging in our country. Only in a common effort with people left behind, we can try to find solutions and respond to politicians who treat less fortunate people as social parasites and lazy bones.

Sehr geehrte Kolleg:innen und liebe Interessierte,

gerne möchten wir Sie und euch auf die öffentliche Ringvorlesung zu aktueller Arbeitsmarktpolitik im Kontext Sozialer Arbeit an der Hochschule Düsseldorf aufmerksam machen.

Die Ringvorlesung beginnt am 4. November und findet bis zum 13. Januar montagabends von 18:00 bis 19:30 Uhr statt.

Eine Teilnahme ist vor Ort und online möglich.

Das Themenspektrum reicht vom Rollback beim Bürgergeld und der Evaluation des Teilhabechancengesetzes über Jugendberufsagenturen, berufliche Reha und Menschen im Duldungsstatus bis zur politischen Beteiligung arbeitsloser Personen und einer menschengerechten digitalisierten Arbeitswelt.

Die genauen Themen und weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem beigefügten Flyer.

We start on Monday, November 4th with the article “The failed promise: Citizens’ money reform as an unwanted role backwards” by Frank Jäger from Tacheles e.V.

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Duesseldorf Changemakers Group
The Failed Promise: Citizens' Benefit Reform
Mon 04 Nov 17:45