Early Tango Class, Live Music, Dancing Show and Milonga!

Tango class, dancing show, milonga and concert...All for free!
One of the main concerns regarding tango activities is that "milongas" often take place quite late. Well, here you have an early one and for free. But that is not all. If you have never danced tango before, you will also have the opportunity to take your first tango steps in a free class for beginners. On top of that, there will be a live orchestra and a dancing show. Besides, this will take place in a pretty spectacular venue: a beautiful Buenos Aires building that has been transformed into an impressive cultural center some years ago.
We will meet inside the building at the milonga entrance queue. It is important to arrive early if you want to get a seat (no reservations allowed in this event), that's why we will meet at the queue 15 minutes before the event starts at 6pm. You can also arrive later and meet us inside!
Tango class: 6pm
Milonga, dance exhibition and live orchestra: 7-9pm
PLEASE ONLY SIGN UP IF YOU ARE SURE YOU CAN MAKE IT. If your plans change and you can no longer attend, then cancel your attendance.
See you and tango embrace to all!
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