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Dinner En Blanc - Call for Volunteers

Hosted by the Consul of the Toronto Changemakers Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 week ago
Thu 19 Sep 17:00 - 23:30

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The Dîner en Blanc concept began in Paris in Protected content is now a worldwide event spanning six continents in which people dressed in white have a meal in a temporary dining setup in a public space. The location of the event is kept secret from the majority of participants until minutes before the event, at which point all attendees generally converge in an iconic urban location for a chic picnic en masse—a global culinary phenomenon and dance with “joie de vivre” and local flair!
Check out website for further info Protected content

Join the team of dedicated volunteers for "Le Dîner en Blanc - Toronto Protected content and be a part of one of the city's most exclusive events! If you’ve ever been curious about what goes on behind the scenes, this is your chance to get involved.

As a volunteer, you’ll gain free entry to the event and have the chance to invite a limited number of friends. Volunteers must be available on September 19th, with some roles requiring earlier arrival.

To volunteer, please sign up indicating your preferred roles @ Protected content