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Ice-Skating Session without Hockey Pucks and Sticks

Hosted by the Consul of the Helsinki Sports Group
Starts in 2 days
Sun 24 Nov 10:00 - 12:00

Ready to Join?

Welcome to the public ice skating session in Protected content Ice skating ring!
If you are an experience skater you already know that skating can help improve your balance, flexibility, and overall fitness without putting unnecessary strain on your body.
If you are the beginner, you can take your time, focus on your technique, and progress at a pace that's comfortable for you.

Skating is a fun and enjoyable way to stay active, so welcome to join us on Sunday morning for a FREE session.

Extra: Skate sharpening available while you wait.

No rental skates.

We can go for a coffee or lunch after in Protected content .

Looking forward to seeing you! :)