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Captain America: Brave New World

Hosted by the Consul of the Oslo Movie Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 3 weeks 4 days ago
Sat 15 Feb 00:00

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An action movie just before the Winter Holidays (full of big stars :) )!!!!


Director - Julius Onah
Writers - Rob Edwards, Malcolm Spellman, Dalan Musson
Stars - Harrison Ford, Rosa Salazar, Liv Tyler

Sam Wilson, the new Captain America, finds himself in the middle of an international incident and must discover the motive behind a nefarious global plan.

The timeslot is yet to be defined, whenever the movie theater publishes I will be updating it on the event.

You can Vipps me at Protected content !
I will buy tickets just for the people that wired me the money so please send me a private message or SMS if you have any difficulties!