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Weinprobe Italienische Weine / Wine Tasting Italian Wine

Hosted by the Consul of the Rotterdam Speak German Group
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Starts in 3 days
Thu 31 Oct 19:00 - 21:00

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Weinprobe Italienische Weine
Donnerstag, den 31. Oktober um 19 Uhr.
Protected content
Kosten: 4 Euro für Miete und Kaffee oder Tee.
Bring etwas Leckeres mit, dass zu Wein passt
Für Informationen ruff an Protected content

Italian Wine Tasting.
We speak the whole evening in the German Language
Thursday, October 31 at 7 PM. Protected content
Cost: 4 Euros for rent and coffee or tea.
Bring something tasty that pairs well with wine.
For information, call or WhatsApp Protected content

Best regards,