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Risleten Gorge, Beckenried

Hosted by the Consul of the Lucerne Outdoor Activities Group
Starts in 4 weeks 2 days
Sun 06 Apr 09:00 - 18:00

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Arrive at the Lucerne Bahnhofquai before 9 am so we can be on the ship that departs Pier 1 at 9:12 am. From Beckenried we'll hike about 90 minutes to the Risleten Gorge, passing through the forest and under ledges of rock, repeatedly catching unexpected views of the lake and mountains. After we pass the gorge, the path requires a high level of fitness, as we have to go up Protected content in altitude along a steep section of the trail. But then we can relax and enjoy a gentle hike the rest of the way to Treib.

For anyone who prefers to arrive by car, look for us at the Beckenried dock at 10:26 am or at Rütenen around 11:15 am; paid parking is available at both locations. We'll plan to be on the ship leaves Treib at 3:57 pm, arriving in Beckenried at 4:32 pm and back in Lucerne at 5:47 pm. Anyone who needs to leave earlier can return to Beckenried from Risleten.