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Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group

"A warm welcome to all those who want to practise German!"
Are you an expat or native speaker who enjoys good conversations in German? Whether you are a beginner or advanced, meet us to train your conversation skills…mit Spass und netten Leuten!

Upcoming Activities

Sat 16:30
Attendee limit reached

Do you want to have a nice time with people and practice your German Skills? Or are you local, want make friends and share good moments in a multi-culti afternoon? Both ways, you are welcome to join us to speak German and enjoy „Kaffee & Kuchen“.

Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Lass Uns Deutsch Sprechen
Sat 11 Jan 16:30
Attendee limit reached

Past Activities

Tue 22:00

Hi there,

Lasst uns zusammen über Protected content ?

Plänr, Vorsätze, Wünsche..oder nichts davon?

Bis bald!

Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Lass Uns Deutsch Sprechen
Tue 31 Dec 22:00
Tue 07:00

Hi there,

Let's meet & mingle and exchange your Christmas ideas and plans for Protected content !

Bis bald!

Pia 🎅🌲

Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Tue 31 Dec 07:00
Tue 08:00

Hi there,

Die Adventszeit ist da und Weihnachten steht vor der Tür.

Was sind eure Ideen und Pläne für die Zeit?

See you und bis bald


Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Lass Uns Deutsch Sprechen
Tue 24 Dec 08:00
Sat 15:00

Come join us for a nice chat in German!

All levels welcome.

The café is run by the owner and they serve really nice homemade cakes.

See you soon.

Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Let's Talk German Again!
Sat 30 Nov 15:00
Fri 07:00


Es ist langsam kalt geworden. Zeit für eine warme Tasse Tee.

Bis bald

Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Lass Uns Deutsch Sprechen
Fri 29 Nov 07:00

Let's take a city tour through the historic city center of Düsseldorf's neighboring town Protected content

After the tour we can chat in German over a cup of coffee or tea in one of the cafés nearby.

*Let's meet at 14:50.
*The tour will be held in German language. ALL levels welcome!
*Participation fee: 3,00 €. Bring cash!
* No registration required.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Historic City Tour ... and Coffee / Tea Afterwards
Sat 16 Nov 14:50

Let's meet and practice some German with activities that are considered either "typically German" or are typical for the region, or Düsseldorf itself.

For the 107th time This year the traditional St. Martin's procession will parade through Düsseldorf's old town. Organized by the Association of Friends of St. Martin's Festival Düsseldorf, the procession starts at Protected content

Let's join Düsseldor's families and children with their hand crafted lanterns in this atmospheric tradition of the region and may be can have the traditional "Weckmann" or "Stutenkerl" a bread doll made out of sweet dough, with a cup of coffee afterwards.
Looking forward to seeing you!

Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Typisch Deutsch Typisch Düsseldorf
Sun 10 Nov 17:00
Fri 08:00

Hi German enthusiasts,

Lasst uns Deutsch sprechen!
Was macht ihr im Herbst?

Bis bald ,



Duesseldorf Deutsch Sprachcafé Group
Lass Uns Deutsch Sprechen
Fri 25 Oct 08:00