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Pool & Beer (September Edition)

Hosted by the Consul of the Vienna Billard Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 1 week ago
Fri 20 Sep 19:00 - 21:00

Ready to Join?

Dear all,

I invite you to join us this evening to play pool, have a drink, and enjoy socializing with international people in a friendly atmosphere. No matter, if you're an experienced player or a beginner - all levels are welcome!

Ground Rules (please read before signing up):

1. IMPORTANT: please, text me at Protected content or send a PM via Internations until Thursday 12:00 at the latest to reconfirm your attendance, otherwise I will NOT put you on the guest list.

2. Please, be respectful to your fellow players:
- come on time and don't be late
- don't cancel at the last minute, only in case of a real emergency
- if your plans change please cancel your attendance

3. Please, order your drinks/food at the bar and pay right away.

4. Before leaving, don't forget to pay your share of the table to the host.

5. Have fun, be nice, and respect other cultures and styles.

NO SHOW: if you sign up for an event, but don't show up, I leave the right next time to give your spot to another person right away.

Thank you all for your co-operation :o)

Looking forward to playing with you soon!