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Romantique Cuisine

Hosted by the Consul of the Lima Foodies Group
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Took place 1 week ago
Thu 19 Sep 19:00 - 22:30

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“ Romantique Cuisine 🍋 “

Let’s enjoy a Romantic Dinner in Lima where you can enjoy delicious Mediterranean and French food at the same time,
a unique culinary experience for the first time at “Citron” on Av La Mar. This charming restaurant offers an exquisite combination of Mediterranean dishes that will surely delight your palate in addition to a nice very cozy and comfortable atmosphere!!!!!!
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NOTA: Les agradezco los que se anotan para este evento estén SEGUROS que SI van a poder asistir, de lo contrario retirarse para así dar el espacio a los demás personas que se encuentren en lista de espera, y así saber realmente cuántas personas asistirán para poder separar mesas con anticipación.