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Paris Drawing Group

"Celebrate the joy of Drawing"
This group is about sharing the joy of drawing. Each activity will take place in a location offering opportunities to draw!

Upcoming Activities

Carnets d’esquisses – Impressions

Carnets d’esquisses – Impressions presents short forms, research statuses and works in progress by emerging choreographers. Some of these experiments will go on to develop into full-fledges performances; others will have been moments of meditation, experiences, opportunities to explore poetic, imaginary worlds of gesture.

The second season of Carnets d'esquisses continues in Protected content , and Loup Marcault-Derouard, a Paris Opera dancer and young choreographer, is opening this new year at the Musée d'Orsay.

He will present an extract from his piece Deux Travers, dedicated to Bobbi Jene Smith and Or Schraiber.

Choreography, performance, set design and dramaturgy: Loup Marcault-Derouard and Takeru Coste.

Music by Silvius Leopold Weiss performed by American lutenist Robert Barto.

Duration: 1h

FREE with an entrance ticket to the museum.

Due to the popularity of this series of events:

If you wish to draw, please bring your own sketchbooks and art materials.

We can meet afterwards to discuss the event in one of the museum's cafés. Alternatively, you are free to visit the temporary exhibitions or the permanent collection by night.

Paris Drawing Group
Art in Movement #8: Carnets D’esquisses – Paris Dance Project
Thu 16 Jan 18:00

After Iris van Herpen, Stephen Jones and Maison Lesage we are back to drawing fashion, this time of the iconic duo:

**Dolce & Gabbana**

‘From the Heart to the Hand: Dolce&Gabbana’ is an open love letter to Italian culture, the constant source of inspiration for Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. The exhibition retraces the aesthetic itinerary of their creations, first carried in their hearts, then handcrafted in their workshops.

The exhibition celebrates Dolce&Gabbana as a symbol of Italian style, tracing the origins of the extraordinary dream that became the reality of their Alta Moda. It explores a singular approach to the world of luxury, made up of elegance and sensuality, but also humour, impertinence and extravagance.

« Du Cœur à la Main : Dolce&Gabbana » est une lettre d’amour ouverte à la culture italienne, source d’inspiration constante de Domenico Dolce et Stefano Gabbana. L’exposition retrace l’itinéraire esthétique de leurs créations, d’abord portées dans leur cœur, puis exécutées à la main dans leurs ateliers.

Tickets :
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Paris Drawing Group
Art & Fashion #4: Dolce & Gabbana – From the Heart to the Hand_1
Thu 30 Jan 15:00

After Iris van Herpen, Stephen Jones and Maison Lesage we are back to drawing fashion, this time of the iconic duo:

**Dolce & Gabbana**

‘From the Heart to the Hand: Dolce&Gabbana’ is an open love letter to Italian culture, the constant source of inspiration for Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. The exhibition retraces the aesthetic itinerary of their creations, first carried in their hearts, then handcrafted in their workshops.

The exhibition celebrates Dolce&Gabbana as a symbol of Italian style, tracing the origins of the extraordinary dream that became the reality of their Alta Moda. It explores a singular approach to the world of luxury, made up of elegance and sensuality, but also humour, impertinence and extravagance.

« Du Cœur à la Main : Dolce&Gabbana » est une lettre d’amour ouverte à la culture italienne, source d’inspiration constante de Domenico Dolce et Stefano Gabbana. L’exposition retrace l’itinéraire esthétique de leurs créations, d’abord portées dans leur cœur, puis exécutées à la main dans leurs ateliers.

Tickets :Protected content

Paris Drawing Group
Art & Fashion #4: Dolce & Gabbana – From the Heart to the Hand_2
Thu 30 Jan 18:00

Past Activities

Fri 13:50

After Iris van Herpen and Stephen Jones, we are back exploring fashion by drawing amazing embroidery and design collaborations by the legendary House of Lesage.

* Lesage, Protected content of Fashion & Decoration *


The exhibition “Lesage, Protected content de mode et de décoration” celebrates one hundred years of excellence and innovation by the embroidery and textile house resident at le19M.

« Lesage, Protected content de mode et de décoration » célèbre les cent ans d'excellence et d'innovation de la Maison de broderie et de textile résidente du 19M.

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Paris Drawing Group
Art & Fashion #3 : Maison Lesage
Fri 03 Jan 13:50

Carnets d’esquisses – Impressions - Paris Dance Project

Choreographer and dancer Idio Chichava is the guest of the next edition of Carnets d'Esquisses at the Musée d’Orsay.

Duration: 1h

Carnets d’esquisses – Impressions presents short forms, research statuses and works in progress by emerging choreographers. Some of these experiments will go on to develop into full-fledges performances; others will have been moments of meditation, experiences, opportunities to explore poetic, imaginary worlds of gesture.

With this cycle of choreographic sketches devised by the Paris Dance Project, its founders, Benjamin Millepied and Solenne du Haÿs Mascré, provide their audience with a close-up view of the process of contemporary dance creation, an opportunity to experience stages in the development of choreographic intuitions.

FREE with an entrance ticket to the museum.

Due to the popularity of this series of events:
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If you wish to draw, please bring your own sketchbooks and art materials.

We can meet afterwards to discuss the event in one of the museum's cafés. Alternatively, you are free to visit the temporary exhibitions or the permanent collection by night.

Paris Drawing Group
Art in Movement #7: Carnets D’esquisses – Idio Chichava
Thu 19 Dec 18:00
Fri 16:30

As a preview of the reopening of all its galleries in June Protected content , the Grand Palais is presenting an exhibition dedicated to the poetic and sensitive work of Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota.

Born in Osaka in Protected content now living in Berlin, Chiharu Shiota is world-renowned for her monumental installations of interlacing wool yarn. These giant canvases often envelop objects from her everyday life and invite the viewer on a majestic, dreamlike journey. Her protean creations explore the notions of temporality, movement and dreams, demanding a dual engagement from the viewer, both mental and physical.

The exhibition, co-organised with the Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, is the largest ever devoted to the artist in France. Covering over 1,200 square metres, it offers a sensitive experience. With seven large-scale installations sculptures, photographs, drawings, performance videos and archive documents related to its staging project, the exhibition represents an opportunity for visitors to familiarise themselves with Shiota’s career, which spans over twenty years.

Let's enjoy contemplating/drawing Chiharu Shiota's installations floating in the Wonderfull space of brand new renovated Grand Palais.

As usual we will share our experiences around a drink afterwards.

Be aware that you should buy your ticket in advance:
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Paris Drawing Group
Chiharu Shiota Au Grand Palais
Fri 13 Dec 16:30

Let's have a drawing session at Musée de la Marine and add a drink afterward.
See old ships in small models and learn about marine history. If you are not inspired (or intimidated by so much talent and beauty in one place), enjoy the new exhibition "En solitaire autour du monde."
Afterward, we can have a drink and share our drawings and impressions.

They have different tickets for the place: if you want to see the exhibition or just the permanent exhibition. It might be better (and cheaper) if you buy your ticket in advance.

If you subscribe, please send me your telephone number in a private message, OTHERWISE, YOUR INSCRIPTION WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT! PLEASE don't forget to cancel if you change your mind.

Paris Drawing Group
Musée De La Marine - Drawing and Drinking
Thu 12 Dec 17:00

After Iris van Herpen, we are back to drawing the fashion of another iconic designer:

**STEPHEN JONES, Chapeaux d’artiste**

The exhibition presents the work of a British designer who, since his first collections in the Protected content to the most recent, is recognized by celebrities and fashion designers alike as one of the greatest contemporary milliners.

Stephen Jones occupies a unique position behind the scenes in the fashion world. Thanks to his collaborations, he has been involved in some of the most iconic collections from many of the world’s leading Fashion houses. Stephen Jones’s hats highlight and complement silhouettes that have had a profound impact on the history of fashion since the Protected content ...

The exhibition specifically focuses on the artist’s close ties with Paris, French culture and Parisian couture.

L’exposition Stephen Jones, chapeaux d’artiste au Palais Galliera présente l'oeuvre de ce créateur britannique, sans conteste l’un des plus grands modistes contemporains, de ses premières collections dans les années Protected content plus récentes.
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Please bring your own art materials and sketchbooks. We will share our impressions and sketches over drinks afterwards.

Paris Drawing Group
Art & Fashion #2: Stephen Jones, Chapeaux D’artiste – Part II
Fri 06 Dec 17:30

After Iris van Herpen, we are back to drawing the fashion of another iconic designer:

**STEPHEN JONES, Chapeaux d’artiste**

The exhibition presents the work of a British designer who, since his first collections in the Protected content to the most recent, is recognized by celebrities and fashion designers alike as one of the greatest contemporary milliners.

Stephen Jones occupies a unique position behind the scenes in the fashion world. Thanks to his collaborations, he has been involved in some of the most iconic collections from many of the world’s leading Fashion houses.

The exhibition specifically focuses on the artist’s close ties with Paris, French culture and Parisian couture.

L’exposition Stephen Jones, chapeaux d’artiste au Palais Galliera présente l'oeuvre de ce créateur britannique, sans conteste l’un des plus grands modistes contemporains, de ses premières collections dans les années Protected content plus récentes.
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Please bring your own art materials and sketchbooks. We will share our impressions and sketches over drinks afterwards.

Paris Drawing Group
Art & Fashion #2: Stephen Jones, Chapeaux D’artiste – Part I
Fri 06 Dec 14:30

GRACE - Benjamin Millepied

Following our event Art in Movement#2 in February, we will discover how the sketches evolved to become an integral part of this new creation.

Benjamin Millepied presents GRACE, a ballet based on the iconic life of Jeff Buckley and inspired by his music. This show transports us into a world where Benjamin Millepied's choreography meets Jeff Buckley's emotionally charged voice.

Benjamin Millepied présente une nouvelle création mondiale, GRACE, un ballet autour de la vie iconique de Jeff Buckley et inspiré par sa musique.

Duration: 1h30

We will meet briefly beforehand and then share our experience over drinks afterwards.

For those who would like to draw, we will meet earlier to explore the space of this new building, draw people in the foyer or whatever attracts your eye.

Tickets are available here: Protected content

The show only runs for 4 days and tickets are running out fast.


Please sign up only once you have your tickets.

Ligne 9 : Station Pont de Sèvres
Tramway 2 : Station Brimborion

Paris Drawing Group
Art in Movement #6: Dance - B. Millepied - GRACE
Thu 07 Nov 20:00


"Not to talk of painted sculptures", Alberto Giacometti explained to his gallerist, Pierre Matisse, in Protected content , "the colour is part of the sculpture, [the sculptures] are painted with oil like the paintings".
It was the desire to make ‘living’ figures that prompted the artist to take up his palette and brushes to ‘breathe life’ into his sculptures, small as well as big.

For the first time, the Institut Giacometti is presenting the bulk of its collection of painted plasters, bringing together emblematic works such as Stele, Women of Venice and Figurine in a cage, revealing to the public a moving and secret part of the artist's work. At every stage of his career, Alberto Giacometti demonstrated his desire to forge an intimate link between sculpture and painting, by painting some of his plaster and bronze sculptures, and even going so far as to paint over finished works installed in an exhibition.

We will be visiting the exhibition and up to you, just to contemplate or to draw as well. After the visit we will share our experiences around a drink.

Be aware that you need to buy a ticket in order to entrance.

Tickets are available :Protected content

Paris Drawing Group
Fri 01 Nov 15:10

Choreographer and dancer Emmanuelle Huynh is the guest of the next edition of Carnets d'Esquisses at Librairie 7L.

Her broad vision of dance, sensitive to the environment, questions our spaces and places, and inspires the thinking of the Paris Dance Project.

Carnets d’esquisses – Impressions presents short forms, research statuses and works in progress by emerging choreographers. Some of these experiments will go on to develop into full-fledges performances; others will have been moments of meditation, experiences, opportunities to explore poetic, imaginary worlds of gesture.

Duration: 1h

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For those who wish to sketch, please bring your own art materials.

We will share our impressions and sketches over drinks afterwards.

Paris Drawing Group
Art in Movement #5: Carnets - Emmanuelle Huynh
Tue 29 Oct 18:15

This event is dedicated to the Italian architect, Renzo Piano.

Duration: 1h15
Behind the façade sculpted by Auguste Rodin around Protected content , Renzo Piano has built a five-storey shell covered with 5,000 protective shutters. Set in the middle of a garden, the contemporary building showcases the luxury of its materials.

Ten years after the opening of its building, the Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé is paying tribute to Renzo Piano's Building Workshop founded in Protected content the Genoese architect, by looking at the issues involved in integrating each project into the fabric of the Paris region.

Dix ans après l’ouverture de son bâtiment, la Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé rend hommage au Renzo Piano Building Workshop fondé en Protected content , en s’interrogeant sur les problématiques que représente l’intégration de chaque projet dans le tissu francilien.
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For those who wish to draw, please bring your sketchbooks and own art materials.

We will discuss the visit and our sketches afterwards over refreshments in the café, le Studio.

Paris Drawing Group
Archi #1: Renzo Piano – Guided Tour + Exhibition
Sat 26 Oct 11:50

Let's have a drawing session at Protected content and add a drink afterward (the two restaurants might be a bit expensive or too crowded on a Friday evening, so we can decide together if we want to finish there or go elsewhere). And if you are not inspired (or intimidated by so much talent and beauty in one place), enjoy the new exhibition "la couleur parle routes les langues".
Do not take too large drawing pads (or liquid colors).
Afterward, we can have a drink and share our drawings and impressions.

They have different tickets for the place, if you want to see everything, take the billet jumelé and please buy your ticket in advance.

If you subscribe, please send me your telephone number in a private message, OTHERWISE, YOUR INSCRIPTION WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT! PLEASE don't forget to cancel if you change your mind.

Paris Drawing Group
Hôtel De La Marine - Drawing and Drinking
Fri 25 Oct 18:30