Theater: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Dear cinema fans, let's go to theater tonight:
by William Shakespeare
Language: German, with EN surtitles
2 Hours 55 Minutes, 1 Break
The play starts at 19:30.
William Shakespeare's «A Midsummer Night's Dream» is an unholy confusion of emotions. Nothing is left out here, everything is played out to the end: from love at first sight, the promise of eternal fidelity, to animalistic desire, raging jealousy and vile betrayal - sometimes highly comical, sometimes deeply tragic. Shakespeare skilfully combines three different storylines in his most famous and at the same time most abysmal comedy.
In his staging, Stephan Kimmig relocates the action from ancient Athens to the present day. His lovers don't get lost in a forest, but in the wilderness of the big city. Just like Shakespeare, Kimmig's characters are searching for love, their sexuality and their identity. Driven by their feelings, they lose themselves in the beat and drug frenzy of the club night, only to find themselves in the end.
The second picture shows the available seats , 6.03, 7am
!!!!! Ihave ONE ticket to offer, best price category, Parkett, row a (first row), for 10 euro only. Please contact me if you are interested.
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