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Monteveglio Hike

Hosted by the Consul of the Bologna Great Outdoors Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 3 weeks 3 days ago
Sun 16 Feb 10:00 - 18:00

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Hello Hike lovers !
Waiting full of hope for the sun in the weekend, I propose this February Hike in Monteveglio area.
11km long, 250mt elevation - easy/intermediate

Komoot link in attachment
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Please bring your packed lunch, water - as obvious it is advisable to wear proper clothes, hiking shoes and sticks,

Meeting point at Ipercoop Borgo Panigale Entrance (see Expert illuminated sign in orange) at 10:00 or at the parking close to the Torre dell'Abbazia di Monteveglio at 10:45
F39R+44 Bazzano, Città Metropolitana di Bologna
I have 4 seats available in my car.
