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Hiking Around Fribourg

Hosted by the Consul of the Geneva City & Surroundings Group
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Took place 6 days ago
Sat 21 Sep 10:30 - 18:00

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Let's discover the magnificent city of Fribourg, with its rich heritage, and the surrounding countryside with its varied and beautiful landscapes. The hike is approximately 10 km long, with Protected content of ascent and descent.
Leaving the train station, we'll cross the old town and visit the Cathedral. We'll then head down to the lower part of town for a picnic. We'll visit the Berne wooden bridge and walk along the Sarine. We'll then climb up to the Lorette chapel, with its magnificent view over the region. We then head through fields and forest to follow the contours of the Sarine. Finally, we cross the Sarine again to head back towards town, where we pass through the Botanical Gardens and return to the station.

Remember to wear good grip walking shoes, bring sunscreen, hat, water, and snack. Ensure to buy your train tickets before departure. The walk requires physical fitness and the ability to keep up with the group.

P.S. this walk is subject to weather. A reasonable level of physical fitness and friendly attitude are required. Be prepared for a 1h30 train journey, a good opportunity to chat.
Everyone is responsible for their own safety.
Register only if you are sure to attend, last minute cancellations and no shows are offensive