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Glass of Big Beer & New Year Resolution Sharing

Hosted by the Consul of the Luxembourg French Speaking & Culture Group
Starts in 1 day
Sun 19 Jan 15:00 - 17:00

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Experts say January can be a good time to reflect on self-improvement, but acknowledge it takes work to make resolutions stick.
The New Year offers a blank slate — an opportunity to get things right. When we set New Year's resolutions, we use a very important concept called self-efficacy, which means that, by virtue of aspiring to a goal and following through on it.

Sharing the new year resolution preferably in french is the main theme of this discussion session.

We will get together in the" hottest bar " of the town . Holding a big glass of beer and sharing our future goals in French as well as in english will be an interesting discussion.
People from any level of French are invited to join.We will uplift and support each other in this discussion.