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Let's Watch the Richard Together!

Hosted by a member of the Istanbul Theatre Group
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Took place 1 week 3 days ago
Tue 17 Sep 20:10 - 22:00

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At the end of the play, Okan Bayülgen and the players will meet with the audience and share their opinions about the play.

"Richard", which has reached approximately 110,000 audiences in 60 plays to date and is one of the most watched plays of the Protected content , was brought to life by Kabare Dada and Net Sanat. Production of the Year and Dramaturge of the Year (Dilek Tekintaş) at the Üstün Akmen Theater Awards, Actor of the Year (Okan Bayülgen), Best Choreography (Dicle Doğan) and Producer of the Year (Cemalettin Kömürcü) at the 10th International New Theater Magazine Labor and Success Awards. was deemed worthy of awards.
Okan Bayülgen looks at W. Shakespeare's "Richard III" from the first quarter of this century and discusses the approaches of modern philosophers. It brings into question the reality of Richard and W.Shakespeare's narration of Richard. While discussing being a stranger, being lonely, and becoming wild, an imaginary theater company within the play is W. Shakespeare's III. He plays his Richard again.