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Io Sono Ancora Qui

Hosted by the Consul of the Florence Cinema & Theatre Group
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Took place 1 month ago
Mon 10 Feb 20:30 - 23:15

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Language: Italian

Io sono ancora qui (Ainda estou aqui) is a film directed by Walter Salles, based on the Protected content I'm Still Here by Marcelo Rubens Paiva, about the disappearance of his father during the Brazilian military dictatorship. In Protected content , Rubens Paiva, a former congressman and outspoken critic of newly instituted military dictatorship, was taken from his home in Rio de Janeiro by government officials, told nothing more than that he must give a deposition to authorities, and disappeared. A devastating true story, Io sono ancora qui is a portrayal of human tenacity in the face of injustice, featuring a deeply affecting appearance from Fernanda Montenegro, mother and matriarch of a family whose father is taken away; she never raises her voice, she is never seen crying and she never gives in to despair.

We will meet at the entrance of the cinema Flora at 20.30. The cinema is well connected by the tramvia T1, direction Careggi, stop Dalmazia.