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Let’s See Rakugo, a Japanese “Sit-down Comedy” !

Hosted by the Consul of the Paris Discovering Japan Group
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Took place 1 week ago
Fri 20 Sep 20:40 - 22:30

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Rakugo is a Japanese traditional performing art. This Japanese art of storytelling, evolved as a form of entertainment for ordinary people during the Edo period ( Protected content ). Rakugo performance starts with small talk and then goes into the Rakugo story. All that is required is a folding fan, a hand towel, and imagination of the performer.

It remains an integral form of live entertainment and is becoming more international as the rakugo stage once dominated by Japanese raconteurs now features foreign storytellers.

Osaka, is it far to see Rakugo and tickets too expensive ? What does it matter! In Paris, we can find ourselves as in a yose, these popular theaters of Japan.

Come and discover 6 talents who take the risk of trying themselves at Rakugo, the Japanese stand-up ! Stéphane Ferrandez, the first Frenchy trained by the masters in the country, will be the MC of the evening.

Good mood guaranteed, free entry, mandatory consumption and appreciated hat !

Cherry on the cake, it will take place at le Connetable, a bar that looks like a medieval tavern in the heart of the Marais, with rustic and charming decor.

As entry is free (mandatory consumption) and as I don’t know if there may be a lot of people, I expressly ask you to come at 8:40 pm.
Meeting will be in front of the Connetable and we will be entering at 8:45 pm sharp, in order to have seats together and to be at the best place to see !
