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Intro to Bay Swimming

Hosted by the Consul of the San Francisco Bay Explorers Group
Starts in 2 days
Sat 28 Sep 11:00 - 14:00

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By popular demand, I'm hosting a bay swim at my club in San Francisco for InterNations members who want to give it a try, or for those who just want to come to cheer others on. I'll provide a little orientation before hand. We'll shower/sauna after to warm up. Then we'll grab coffee/tea/lunch (arrangements depend on number of sign ups).

Q: Is it cold? A: around 62F, 17C. Cold for a swimming pool, but about the warmest time of year.
Q: What the @*%#!? A: I'll prepare you before hand. You only swim as far as you're comfortable. I'll escort.
Q: Can I wear a wetsuit? A: Absolutely. But you wont need one to enjoy. You just swim a little shorter time.
Q: Will I need sun-block? A: We probably wont be in that long, but it's up to you.
Q: What if I can't swim back? A: We'll swim along the buoy line, where it's a short swim to the beach so you can walk back.
Q: What about the wild-life? A: Within the cove, along the buoy line the odds are very low. Only seals might want to play, and I've never known them to bite. Swimming in groups is an important precaution we'll be taking.

If you just want to cheer on others, you don't need to sign up or pay the fee. Just let me know.

If any experienced bay swimmers want to help me escort first-timers, I can increase the number of participants. You can also accompany in a club kayak if you have experience.