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Dia De Reyes(Ish) Get-Together

Hosted by the Consul of the Chicago Local Activities Group
Starts in 2 days
Mon 06 Jan 17:00 - 20:00

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In Mexico we celebrate the day the three kings visited the baby Jesus (January 6th) by getting together for dinner and share a special cake/bread called Rosca de Reyes.

We typically have tamales for dinner and wash them down with the traditional drinks of atole and/or champurrado. I cannot go the whole authentic 9 yards this year - but if you guys want to be a good sport and bring some tamales to share, you would go to heaven with your shoes on.

For this event, I know a Mexican bakery that makes the rosca, so I will bring that. And I know a bar where we are allowed to bring food, so let's assemble there.

We'll have a few drinks, share the rosca, and see who finds the baby Jesus.

If you don't know what happens if you get the baby Jesus - or what that even means - I'll tell you at the event :)