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Let's Visit the Elderly

Hosted by the Consul of the Istanbul Changemakers Group
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Took place 2 months ago
Wed 06 Nov 10:00 - 12:00

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Hello, friends!

As you may recall, some months ago we gathered to plan a visit to an elderly house. Finally, with the kind help of our friend Evsun, we were able to arrange it.

The place to be visited is the Daruleceze at Kayishdagi, Atashehir, and the visiting time is Protected content on 6 November. We understand that many of you work full time and can't make it on a weekday, but since the elderly house staff do not work on weekends, they asked us to comply with their schedule.

The employee says that we don't need to buy anything because the government takes care of the needs of the elderly. However, if we want, we can buy some weaving, sewing, and painting supplies, for they do a lot of art workshops. If we want to buy food, too, it can only be packed food, and I think we can prefer cookies and sweets not to risk with other food.

Those who can't participate can still donate to help; we will generate a bank statement and collect all the bills to report to you later. Otherwise, you can buy things yourselves and deliver them to us.

The elderly need our moral support. Even one hour of care and love means the world to them. Let's share some love and mercy!

We may have tea/coffee at the Duppo Coffee afterwards.

Other details will be shared in the WhatsApp group closer to the date.

Thank you.