Speakeasy Series - First Hidden Bar of the Year !

This is the best hidden bar of Paris : "A metallic snail staircase hidden behind a glass door will lead you to an elegant room.... (...)"
100% vegan and ecofriendly and very creative cocktails!
The first 10 people on the main list will get in.
Keep in mind that arrival time is 7PM. This is to ease organisation. If I get a majority of people asking to move it to 8PM I may be able to do that.
1/ Register on this event's page asap and regularly, do absolutly come back to check updates and posts !!!
2/ No earlier than Jan 30th and no later than February 3rd, you shall send me a sms on my mobile confirming your availability and also if the 7PM time is fine for you. You will then be placed on the main list. I will not answer you necessarily.
3/ Between the 10th and no later than the 11th of February, send me a second and final sms reconfirming your attendance. You will then receive the address of the place. If you miss that step you may loose your seat in the main list.
If you wake up too late and if the main list has reached 10 people, you will be placed on the waiting list by order of appearance. If the list is not full, you will be placed on the main list and receive the address.
In case of last minute cancellation, YOU MUST find a replacement otherwise you risk of being banned from future events: contact me immediately AND post a message on the event's page. No need to give away the address.
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