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Special Free Visit to an Iconic Museum

Hosted by the Consul of the Vancouver Arts & Culture Group
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Took place 1 month ago
Thu 13 Jun 18:00 - 21:00

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Some of you have asked me to organize a visit to this exceptional museum, & finally, the opportunity has arrived!

Let's celebrate the re-opening of The Museum of Anthropology, located at UBC (University of BC), following an 18-month closure (due to seismic upgrades), with a FREE visit only on this day (usually it costs $ Protected content .

"Nestled in a perfect ocean-side forest on the edge of the UBC, the MOA promotes awareness & understanding of indigenous cultural diversity, & helps orient you to the rich First Nations history throughout BC & Western Canada.

Apart from its focus on local cultural knowledge, it also has an extremely wide variety of international ethnographic objects ... over 50,000 pieces in the catalogue & plus an an active library & research focus.

A highlight is the great hall where you can admire the stories & importance of towering totems whilst looking out over the Haida Houses & outdoor poles.

“Visitors will be welcomed to a revitalized museum with updated interpretations & new displays, including an 8.7-metre canoe.

“In addition, we will see the exhibitions, "To Be Seen, To Be Heard: First Nations in Public Spaces, Protected content & " In Pursuit of Venus -infected" both showcasing Indigenous perspectives of historical periods, too often told & represented through a colonial lens.”

GETTING HERE: Buses 25, 33, R4, 44, 49, 84, 99 B-Line, & Protected content at UBC Exchange, then walk about 15 mins or transfer to 68 Wesbrook & get off in front of MOA.