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Pool on a Tuesday Evening - Min. 3 Persons

Hosted by the Consul of the Budapest Games Group
Event Cover Photo
Took place 3 weeks 1 day ago
Tue 18 Feb 19:30 - 21:00

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Let's play pool in a popular, easy to access location.
It is vital for all attendees to arrive in time or the track will be given to others. The price of the track will be divided equally among the attendees.

We will play the 8 ball game according to our simplified rules.
- Fault before any colored ball is pocketed: missing one go
- Fault afterwards: the other party has two shots at least provided they do not make a fault
- When the white ball goes down it has to be put back on the cue point and the shot has to be directed forwards with the cuestick crossing the starting edge of the table
- Pocketing the 8 ball too early or with another ball also pocketed or in the wrong pocket results in immediate loss
- The target ball for the 8 ball will be the pocket opposite to the pocket of the last colored ball.

The rules apply to everyone.
Remember, this is not a contest, we play for fun and to have a good time together.