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Let's Play Pool - It's Cool - Min. 4 Attendees

Hosted by the Consul of the Budapest Games Group
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Starts in 2 days
Tue 21 Jan 18:00 - 20:00

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Let's have fun by playing pool on tables 4 and 5.

Please arrive 5 minutes before 6:00 pm.

The price of a pool table will be HUF Protected content hour, to be divided evenly among the attendants + everyone to pay for their own consumption.

Pool will be played according to our special, SIMPLIFIED rules as below:

They apply to each and every player, and this is how we have been playing here for more than 8 years.

Some basics that are special for the 8-ball game.

When the white ball has gone down, it is always placed back on the cue point.
In such situations, the player has to stand behind the table and direct the white ball forwards.
The 8-ball at the end has to be sent to the pocket opposite to the one the last coloured ball landed in.

Players should not go for the same pocket with the 8-ball. The opposite pocket will be the one the 8-ball must be landed by the second player.

If we make even the smallest mistakes (for example, touching a ball unintentionally) we announce it and the other player will play.

Instead of free balls, 2 shots are granted to the other player when at least 1 ball has been landed. 2 shots are granted to the opponent(s) even when there are no coloured balls on the table.

Usually, we stay in the pub for an afterparty.